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GVV&CVC Old Car Day – Drive it Day

The first day of Spring, September 1st is promoted by the Federation of Historic Motor Vehicles SA as “Drive It Day” in SA. You are encouraged to take your historic vehicles out so that the public can see them. Take them to work, take them shopping, go for a drive, organise a run.

The Gawler Veteran Vintage and Classic Vehicle Club invites your club or club members to join us at Bethany Reserve; Bethany Road, Bethany at around 11.00am on Friday September 1st 2023.

The Gawler Club has organised runs to Bethany starting as follows:
Fremont Park, Elizabeth
Princes Park, Gawler Showgrounds, Gawler

All runs meet at 9.00 am for 9.30 am start.
You are welcome to join us, organise your own runs, or just turn up.

It is all very informal, BYO lunch. Toilets and a large shelter are available, but we suggest that you bring chairs.
It is a great opportunity to mix informally and share our hobby. So, come along, meet with fellow enthusiasts, have a chat, give the old vehicle an airing.
More Information: Alvin Jenkin 85292504 or email